New Details

Bo District, June 26, 2024

The Government of Sierra Leone, through the National Public Health Agency (NPHA) and in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, is set to commence a three-day workshop on data harmonisation at Dohas Hotel Hall in Bo District. This important event aims to enhance the quality and consistency of health data collection and reporting across the country.

The workshop will bring together a diverse group of participants, including health professionals, data analysts, and stakeholders from various sectors. This comprehensive approach is designed to ensure that all aspects of health data harmonisation are covered, paving the way for more accurate and reliable health information.

The primary goal of the workshop is to standardise data collection methods and reporting practices within Sierra Leone’s health sector. By doing so, it seeks to:

Improve Data Quality: Enhance the accuracy and completeness of health data.

Ensure Consistency: Create uniform data collection and reporting standards across different health facilities and programmes.

Promote evidence-based decision-making: Provide reliable data to support effective public health interventions and policies.

Foster Collaboration: Encourage cooperation among various stakeholders to address challenges in health data management.

Data harmonisation is a critical component of modern public health management. It involves the alignment of data collection processes, definitions, and reporting systems to ensure that data from different sources can be compared and analysed accurately. In the context of Sierra Leone, this initiative is particularly vital, as it will:

Support National Health Goals: Align with the country’s health objectives and strategies.

Enhance Public Health Interventions: Enable more targeted and effective health programmes.

Boost Health Outcomes: Contribute to better health outcomes for all citizens by facilitating informed decision making.

The NPHA and Ministry of Health are steadfast in their commitment to fostering a culture of data-driven decision making. By improving the quality and reliability of health data, they aim to empower health professionals and policymakers to make informed choices that will benefit the entire population.

Mr. Michael Kamara, ICT Director, expressed his optimism about the workshop’s potential impact: “This workshop marks a significant step forward in our efforts to enhance health data management in Sierra Leone. By standardising our data collection and reporting practices, we can ensure that our health interventions are based on the most accurate and reliable information available.”

As Sierra Leone continues to strengthen its health system, initiatives like this workshop are crucial. They not only improve the immediate quality of health data but also lay the groundwork for long-term improvements in public health management.

The NPHA and Ministry of Health look forward to the successful implementation of the workshop’s outcomes, which will undoubtedly contribute to more effective public health interventions and policies. Through continued collaboration and dedication, Sierra Leone is on the path to achieving better health outcomes for all its citizens.

For more information about the workshopgghh and ongoing health initiatives, please contact the National Public Health Agency or the Ministry of Health.