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Makeni, Bombali District, September 2024  

In a touching moment at the police barracks in Makeni, Bombali District, young siblings George and Georgina took a brave step towards a healthier future by receiving their polio vaccines. This significant day marked not only an important milestone for these children but also for their community and the nation at large. As Sierra Leone continues its fight for a polio-free future, the courage of George and Georgina and the dedication of their parents shine as beacons of hope.

 The Vital Role of Parents in Protecting Children’s Health

Behind every vaccinated child stands a parent who has made an essential decision: to protect their child from preventable diseases. George and Georgina's parents exemplify this commitment. By ensuring their children are immunised, they are not only safeguarding their family but also contributing to the overall health and safety of their community.

Immunisation is a simple yet powerful act every parent can take. In Sierra Leone, where polio once posed a severe threat, parents are key in this ongoing battle. Their informed choices to prioritise their children’s health are crucial in the nation’s efforts to eliminate the disease. Through their support of vaccination campaigns, parents like George and Georgina’s play a critical role in securing a healthier future for all.

A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Healthcare Workers

The success of the polio vaccination drive in Bombali would not have been possible without the relentless dedication of healthcare workers. These professionals go door-to-door and clinic-to-clinic, ensuring that every eligible child receives the life-saving vaccine. Their commitment has been instrumental in moving Sierra Leone closer to its goal of becoming polio-free.

The story of George and Georgina is just one of many. Across Sierra Leone, countless parents are stepping up to protect their children, backed by healthcare professionals who work tirelessly to achieve the shared goal of eradicating polio.

 A Polio-Free Sierra Leone is Within Reach

Thanks to the collective efforts of parents, healthcare workers, and health authorities, Sierra Leone is making remarkable progress towards eliminating polio. However, the journey is not over. Every drop of the polio vaccine brings us one step closer to eradicating this debilitating disease. By continuing to raise awareness and encourage collaboration between families and health officials, we can ensure a healthier future for all children.

George and Georgina’s story is a testament to the hope that immunisation brings. By vaccinating their children, parents are not only protecting their loved ones but also contributing to the health and well-being of future generations. Together, we can make polio a distant memory.

Let us celebrate the courage of children like George and Georgina, the wisdom of their parents, and the unwavering dedication of our healthcare workers. Each small step brings us closer to a polio-free Sierra Leone, where every child can grow up strong and healthy.

Join us in the fight. Every drop counts. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children around the world. #poliofreesalone