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In a significant move to bolster public health, the National Public Health Agency (NPHA), with support from Breakthrough Action, has initiated a nationwide consultation to develop a comprehensive Risk Communication and Community Engagement Strategy. This strategy, grounded in the innovative One Health approach, focuses on addressing the emerging threats of anthrax and brucellosis—two zoonotic diseases recently identified in the north-western region of Sierra Leone.

Recognising the urgency of these threats, the NPHA is working closely with Breakthrough Action to draw on the collective expertise and insights of stakeholders across the nation. This collaborative effort aims to tackle the dual challenges posed by these diseases, which are transmitted from animals to humans, posing significant risks to public health and agriculture.

Anthrax, caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis, and brucellosis, caused by Brucella species, both necessitate coordinated action and clear communication to manage and prevent their spread effectively. These diseases present serious risks not only to human health but also to livestock productivity.

Central to this initiative is the One Health approach, which highlights the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. By engaging stakeholders from various sectors—including health professionals, veterinarians, environmentalists, and community leaders—the NPHA aims to develop a robust strategy that comprehensively addresses these diseases.

Through this nationwide consultation, the NPHA will gather invaluable input from communities, local governments, and health organisations. This inclusive approach ensures that the resulting strategy is scientifically sound while also being culturally and contextually appropriate.

The collaboration with Breakthrough Action enhances this initiative by bringing expertise in effective risk communication and community engagement. Their support will be crucial in crafting messages and strategies that resonate with communities, empowering them with the knowledge and tools needed to protect themselves and their livestock.

As Sierra Leone faces these health challenges, the NPHA’s proactive stance represents a crucial step towards a healthier future. By integrating diverse perspectives and leveraging collective expertise, the NPHA is paving the way for a comprehensive, community-driven response to anthrax and brucellosis.