New Details

Freetown, 4 August 2024

The National Public Health Agency (NPHA), in collaboration with the One Health Ministry Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and with support from the Task Force for Global Health and the World Health Organization (WHO), concluded a four-day National Stakeholder Dialogue in the Western Area on 2 August 2024.

Starting on 30 July 2024, the engagement aimed to empower the NPHA through a participatory approach to better understand and address the health needs and aspirations of the people of Sierra Leone. This initiative focused on refining the Event-Based Surveillance (EBS) system through the One Health approach, integrating human, animal, and environmental health strategies to tackle public health challenges effectively.

Throughout the dialogue, participants engaged in focus group discussions and presentations to provide the NPHA leadership with direct feedback on current health issues and community needs. This inclusive approach ensured that marginalised voices were heard and considered in decision-making processes.

Brigadier Professor Foday Sahr, leading the senior management of the NPHA, highlighted the importance of community involvement in advancing the agency's mandates. "By engaging you, the agency gains more understanding that will help us formulate better strategies for health response,” Prof. Sahr emphasised, receiving thunderous applause.

The dialogue concluded a series of district-level initiatives, bringing together over 30 different groups, including people living with disabilities, women's organisations, youth groups, the forces, universities, and motorbike riders. The sessions were held at two locations in Freetown: the Special Court Canteen in New England Ville and Caritas Hall in King Tom.

Participants and partners praised the effort for its inclusivity. The recommendations from the four-day event are expected to refine the EBS and assist the NPHA in enhancing its policies and response strategies.

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