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The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the National Public Health Agency and the Mental Health Secretariat, hosted a pioneering mental health capacity-building workshop for 50 diverse women living with HIV. The event, titled "The Intersectionality of Gender, HIV, and Mental Health," marked a significant step in addressing the unique challenges faced by this community.

Addressing Unique Challenges

Women living with HIV often face multifaceted challenges that can impact their mental health and overall well-being. The workshop focused on three critical areas:

Stigma: Participants discussed the pervasive stigma associated with HIV, which can lead to social isolation, discrimination, and mental health issues. The workshop provided strategies to combat stigma and foster a supportive community.

Self-Care: Emphasising the importance of self-care, the sessions offered practical tips and techniques to help women manage their mental health and maintain a positive outlook. Self-care practices were highlighted as essential tools for resilience and empowerment.

Accessing Mental Health Services: Many women living with HIV face barriers to accessing mental health services. The workshop addressed these obstacles and provided information on available resources, encouraging participants to seek the help they need.

Empowering Women with Tools and Resources

The workshop aimed to empower women with the knowledge and resources necessary for better mental health and well-being. Through interactive sessions, group discussions, and expert presentations, participants gained valuable insights into managing their mental health effectively.

Key highlights of the workshop included:

Interactive Sessions: Engaging activities and discussions allowed participants to share their experiences and learn from each other. These sessions fostered a sense of community and support among the women.

Expert Presentations: Mental health professionals and experts provided valuable information on coping strategies, available services, and the importance of seeking help. Their insights helped demystify mental health care and encouraged proactive steps towards well-being.

Resource Sharing: Participants received comprehensive resource materials, including contact information for mental health services, self-care guides, and support networks. These resources are designed to provide ongoing support beyond the workshop.


A Milestone for Mental Health and HIV


The first-ever mental health capacity-building workshop for women living with HIV represents a significant milestone in the intersection of gender, HIV, and mental health. By addressing the unique challenges faced by this community, the Ministry of Health, the National Public Health Agency, and the Mental Health Secretariat have taken a crucial step towards fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment


The success of this workshop underscores the importance of continued efforts to support women living with HIV. By providing them with the tools and resources for better mental health, we can empower them to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.


For more information on mental health services and support for women living with HIV, please visit the Ministry of Health's website or contact the National Public Health Agency.