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Bandajuma Sowa, Pujehun District

In the heart of Sierra Leone’s Pujehun District, within the vibrant community of Bandajuma Sowa, Mamie Koroma dedicates her life to a cause that transcends boundaries and generations. As a Maternal and Child Health Aide (MCHA) nurse at the Bandajuma Sowa Community Health Centre (CHC), Mamie embodies resilience and compassion, working tirelessly as a vaccinator for the Polio 2024 campaign.

Mamie’s day begins before dawn, the first light casting a gentle glow on the red earth of her village. She prepares with meticulous care, knowing each moment is vital in the fight against polio. Her neatly pressed uniform and stocked vaccination kit symbolise hope and trust, essential tools in her mission to protect the children of her community.

Stepping out of her modest home, she is greeted by the sounds of roosters crowing and neighbours starting their day. Her journey to the health centre is brief but rich with community connections. She exchanges greetings with local shopkeepers, farmers, and children who see her as a guardian of health and safety.

At the Bandajuma Sowa CHC, Mamie joins her colleagues for a morning briefing. The atmosphere is charged with shared purpose as they discuss the day’s vaccination targets and strategies. The Polio 2024 campaign is in full swing, and every vaccinator understands the critical importance of their mission: not just administering vaccines but safeguarding the future of an entire generation.

Mamie’s role as a vaccinator takes her to the town’s farthest reaches. She traverses rugged terrain and crosses rivers to reach remote villages where healthcare is a rare commodity. Armed with her vaccination kit and enduring resolve, she goes door-to-door, ensuring no child is left behind. Each knock on a door is a step closer to eradicating polio, a step towards a healthier Sierra Leone.

In the village of Gombahun Sowa, Mamie is welcomed warmly. Children gather around, eyes wide with curiosity and trust. She speaks to them with gentle reassurance, explaining the importance of the vaccine. With practised precision, she administers the drops, her hands steady and confident. Mothers watch with gratitude, knowing Mamie is giving their children a gift for life.

The work is demanding, both physically and emotionally. Days under the relentless sun bring palpable exhaustion. Yet Mamie’s spirit remains unbroken. She draws strength from children’s smiles, parents’ gratitude, and the camaraderie of her fellow healthcare workers. United by a common goal, they believe every child deserves a healthy start.

As evening falls, Mamie returns to the health centre, her heart full of the day’s impact. The sun sets over Bandajuma Sowa, casting a warm glow on her beloved community. Reflecting on her journey from training to her current role, Mamie is proud but aware the work is far from over.

Mamie Koroma’s story is one of dedication and hope, a testament to the power of compassion and community. Her life as a vaccinator is a tireless journey of service, a commitment to protecting the health and future of Sierra Leone’s children. As the Polio 2024 campaign continues, Mamie stands at the forefront, a true hero in the fight against polio.