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Bo City, Sierra Leone As dawn breaks over the bustling city of Bo, Victoria Kefela, a community health nurse with the Bo District Health Management Team, readies herself for another demanding yet rewarding day in the 2024 polio campaign. Her mission is to ensure every eligible child in the Gboima community receives the crucial polio vaccine, reflecting her dedication and compassion.

7:00 AM: Early Start

Victoria’s Day begins at the crack of dawn. By 7:00 AM, she is up, having a quick breakfast, and organising her supplies, which include vaccines, syringes, cold boxes, and informational leaflets. She also packs a personal water bottle and snacks, anticipating a long and challenging day ahead.

7:30 AM: Team Briefing

By 7:30 AM, Victoria arrives at the local health centre for a team briefing. She meets with her colleagues to discuss the day’s plan, review target areas, and ensure everyone is prepared. The Bo District Medical Team emphasises the importance of reaching every child, particularly those in hard-to-access parts of Gboima.

8:00 AM: Hitting the Ground Running

At 8:00 AM, Victoria and her team are on the move. Navigating the busy streets of Bo City, they head towards Gboima. Their first stop is a local market, where they set up a vaccination station. The sight of children lining up, some nervously holding their parents’ hands, is both familiar and heartwarming.

10:00 AM: Community Outreach

After the market, Victoria ventures deeper into the community. Visiting homes and gathering spots, she engages warmly with parents, educating them on the importance of vaccination. Listening to their concerns, she patiently explains how the polio vaccine will protect their children from a potentially crippling disease.

12:00 PM: Midday Break

By noon, Victoria and her team take a short break under the shade of a tree. Sharing a packed lunch and stories with her fellow team members, these moments of camaraderie are essential for maintaining morale and energy.

1:00 PM: Reaching the Hard-to-Reach

The afternoon is often the most challenging part of the day. Victoria and her team head to the remote parts of Gboima, climbing steep paths and navigating narrow alleys to ensure no child is left behind. Despite the difficulty, Victoria remains undeterred, driven by her mission.

4:00 PM: Wrapping Up

By late afternoon, the team begins to wrap up. Victoria meticulously records the number of children vaccinated and notes any areas requiring follow-up. Accurate records are crucial for planning future visits and ensuring comprehensive coverage.

6:00 PM: Reflecting on the Day

As the sun sets, Victoria returns home, exhausted but fulfilled. Reflecting on the day’s work, she feels a profound sense of accomplishment. The smiles of the children she vaccinated and the gratitude of their parents make all the effort worthwhile.

8:00 PM: Preparing for Tomorrow

After dinner, Victoria prepares for the next day, checking her supplies and updating her records. Ready to face another day of challenges and rewards, she finally rests, knowing her work brings hope and health to the children of Gboima.


Victoria Kefela’s day-to-day life as a polio vaccinator highlights her unwavering dedication and compassion. Her role is more than a job; it’s a calling that brings essential health services to the children of Bo City, overcoming challenges with strength found in the smiles of those she serves.