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Our Programme Manager for Health Education recently conducted a supportive supervisory visit to Kambia District, ensuring the smooth implementation of the nOPV vaccination campaign. Upon arrival, a productive meeting with the District Medical Officer and social mobilisation team set the tone for the day. The purpose? To provide guidance and technical assistance, ensuring every community member receives the vital nOPV vaccine.

During the visit, the District Medical Officer shared insights on the campaign's progress, celebrating successes and addressing challenges, including isolated cases of refusals. However, with proactive efforts, many refusals were already resolved, showcasing the community's commitment to health.

The visit extended to Koya community, just 4km from the district headquarters, to address a refusal case firsthand. Additionally, Barmoi Luma CHC received attention, with staff engagement sessions aimed at overcoming challenges. Situated in a bustling community hosting the largest weekly market, Barmoi Luma's significance in vaccination efforts cannot be overstated.

Together, we're ensuring every community in Kambia District receives the support and resources needed for a successful NoPV vaccination campaign!

#HealthEducation #EPI #NoPVVaccinationCampaign
