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Sierra Leone  celebrated World Hygiene Day, focusing on empowering health workers through education. This year's theme underscores the importance of equipping health professionals with knowledge and skills for infection prevention and control, including hand hygiene.

Health workers play a crucial role in patient care, making their training in infection prevention essential. In Sierra Leone, we're highlighting innovative training programs tailored to meet these needs.

Our emphasis is on developing comprehensive and innovative training programs to ensure healthcare workers are equipped with the latest infection control methodologies, with a focus on hand hygiene. Our goal is to prioritize safety and hygiene in healthcare settings, enabling health workers to provide care safely.

Effective hand hygiene is fundamental in preventing infections. Our training programs reinforce proper handwashing techniques, making them a routine part of every health worker's day.

On this World Hygiene Day, let's recognize and support the dedication of our health workers by providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge. Empowering them is key to protecting both themselves and their patients. Together, let's invest in their education and training to build a healthier future for all.

The government and partners have embarked on an enhanced training initiatives. Together, we can empower our health workers to champion infection prevention and control, ensuring the well-being of our nation.